Python specifics

In general the Python API is the same as C++ API, since Python wrapper is automatically generated from C++ header files. The only exception is package isystem.test, which contains python.exports.isystem.itest.PTestCase(). This class implements functionality of isys::CTestCase(), except that its callback methods are Python methods. It also contains some additional helper functions.

How to get version of winIDEA SDK for Python

Module isystem.connect contains method getModuleVersion(), which returns a string containing version of winIDEA SDK for Python installed on your computer:

import isystem.connect as ic


Wrappers for C++ containers

isystem.connect also contains Python wrappers for containers from C++ Standard Library. It is recommended to consult a C++ Standard Library manual for method details. Python's function help(object) is also useful to see the list of available methods for each wrapper.

std::map<std::string, std::string>

Python wrapper for std::map provides functionality of Python mapping, but only for string type: std:map<std::string, std::string>. It is instantiated as StrStrMap, which supports overloaded operators, iterators, and easy conversion between C++ and Python objects. Example:

import isystem.connect as ic

m = {'a': 'r', 'b': 'q'}
sm = ic.StrStrMap(m)  # init StrStrMap with Python mapping
m2 = dict(sm)                      # init Python mapping m2 with StrStrMap

sm['counter'] = '10'             # overloaded [], but for strings only

sm['g_timeout'] = '30'
for k in sm:
    print(k, ': ', sm[k], sep='')

Output: 10 a: r b: q counter: 10 g_timeout: 30


begin() - returns iterator pointing to the first element

clear() - removes all elements from map

count() - returns the number of elements in he map

empty() - returns true, if map is empty

end() - returns iterator pointing to end

erase(iterator) - removes elements defined by iterator

erase(iterator_1, iterator_2) - removes elements between iterators

find(K key) - returns iterator pointing to key

has_key(K key) - returns true, if map contains key

items() - returns Python list of (K, V) tuples, for example

[('a', '10'), ('b', '20')]

iterator() - returns iterator object

iteritems() - returns items iterator

iterkeys() - returns keys iterator

itervalues() - returns values iterator

key_iterator() - returns key iterator

keys() - returns Python list containing all keys from map

lower_bound(K key) - returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the container whose key does not compare less than x

rbegin() - returns reverse iterator to reverse beginning

rend() - returns reverse iterator to reverse end

size() - returns the number of elements in map

swap(std::map<K, V>) - swaps map content

upper_bound(K key) - returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the container whose key compares greater than x

value_iterator() - returns iterator to map values

values() - returns Python list of all values from map


C++ container std::vector<std::string> is available in isystem.connect as isystem.connect.StrVector(). Instantiate it when needed as method parameter.

It contains the following methods:


operator [i] - returns element at index i

append(T element) - appends element to the end

assign(int count, T element) - fills vector with count copies of element

back() - returns the last element

begin() - returns iterator pointing to the first element

capacity(*args) - returns size of allocated storage capacity

clear() - removes all elements

empty() - returns true, if vector is empty

end() - returns iterator pointing to end

erase(iterator) - removes elements defined by iterator

erase(iterator_1, iterator_2) - removes elements between iterators

front(*args) - returns the first element

insert(iterator position, T element) - inserts element at the given position

iterator() - returns iterator object

pop() - removes and returns the last element in vector

pop_back() - removes the last element in vector

push_back(T element) - appends element to the end

rbegin() - returns reverse iterator to reverse beginning

rend() - returns reverse iterator to reverse end

reserve(*args) - changes vector capacity

resize(*args) - changes vector size

size() - returns the number of elements in vector

swap(std::vector<T> v2) - swaps contents