/*# - func: [min_int, [], rv] params: [3, 5] expect: - rv == 3 */ int min_int(int a, int b) { if (a < b) return a; return b; }This way we can easily adapt tests to any changes in the source code. Of course it is also possible to have more than one test specification in one comment block.
Test specifications can be edited either directly in the source code editor, or the source code file is opened and edited in testIDEA. testIDEA modifies only test specifications in the special code comments, while the rest of the file is left intact. testIDEA also does not add any new test comments to the source file - all test specifications are stored into the existing comments. Therefore it is a good idea to tell testIDEA where to put test specifications by manually adding short test comments to places, where we want to have test specification. For example, the following snippet shows test specification added manually - the rest will be specified in testIDEA:
/*# - id: min */ int min_int(int a, int b) { if (a < b) return a; return b; }
/*# - func: [f, [], rv] */Not valid:
a = 3; /*# - func: [f, [], rv] */ // testIDEA will ignore such test specifications.Similar applies to the end of comment token '*/'. It must the last token in line. The following is not valid:
/*# - func: [f, [], rv] */ a = 3;testIDEA will report an error in such case.
Test specification may start immediately in the same line as comment start, but for readability purposes it is recommended to start it on a new line:
/*# - func: [f, [], rv] */Note: If there is more than one line in test spec, it is highly recommended to start test spec on the line after comment start for readability reasons. The following is NOT recommended:
/*# - func: [f] expect: - rv == 0 */
If file is opened as iyaml file, it is not possible to save it as source code file, because it contains no source code. However, if it is opened as source code file, we can save it as iyaml file (the source code is not saved).
- id: ts1 func: [g, [45], rv] expect: [rv == 90] tests: id: ts1-a params: 50 expect: [rv == 100]
- id: ts1-b baseId: ts1 params: 60 expect: [rv == 120]
The baseId tags assigned to test specifications, which are already derived in the comment, are ignored. For example, if the test specifications with id ts1-a in the example above, would have the baseId tag defined, this tag would be ignored.
The base test specification may be defined later in the source file.
If more than one test specification with id equal to the baseId exist, the first one declared is used as a base test specification.
If base test spec A is defined after derived test specs, derived test specs are appended to the list of derived test specs in the order as they appear in the file. Exception to this rule are derived test specs defined immediately as children of A in the same test comment - they are the first ones.
Although testIDEA allows flexibility in defining test specifications, it is recommended to define test specifications in their natural order when possible. For example, it is allowed to define base test specification in a comment that follows its derived tests specifications. However, for readability reasons we should define base test specification before its derived test specifications, whenever possible. This flexibility is available for cases, when other aspects of function organization inside source code file have stronger impact on readability and clarity.
/*# - id: testA func: [min_int, [56, 89], rvf] expect: - rvf == 56 - baseId: testA func: [max_int, [99, 999], rvm] expect: - rvm == 999 */then the saved comment will be:
/*# - id: testA func: [min_int, [56, 89], rvf] expect: - rvf == 56 tests: - func: [max_int, [99, 999], rvm] expect: - rvm == 999 */
/*# - id: testA func: [min_int, [56, 89], rvf] expect: - rvf == 56 - id: testB func: [max_int, [99, 999], rvm] expect: - rvm == 999 */ /*# - baseId: testB params: [59, 99] expect: - rvf == 59 - baseId: testA params: [199, 1999] expect: - rvm == 1999 */the first comment will be unchanged, while the second one will be saved as:
/*# - baseId: testA params: [199, 1999] expect: - rvm == 1999 - baseId: testB params: [59, 99] expect: - rvf == 59 */