Generating scripts for test execution

This section describes creation of Python scripts for test execution.

Preparation: Creating and editing test specifications

The first step when implementing tests for our application is creation of test specifications. testIDEA is the tool to be used for this task. Add as many test specifications as you like, and run and test them with testIDEA. Once test specifications are ready, save them to file. The GUI part is done.

Generating scripts

To write a script, which will perform the required task, we have two possibilities. Either we use the script generator built into testIDEA, or write the script manually from scratch. Description of both procedures is following.

Generating scripts from testIDEA

This is the preferred option, especially if you are not familiar with winIDEA SDK. The generated script is simple, yet it is designed to be easily configurable. Even if it does not contain all the required functionality, it is a good starting point for writing own scripts.

The script can be generated by selecting command iTools | Generate Test Script in testIDEA. The dialog shown below opens:

The default settings give us good results, but there are also many possibilities for customization. Each control in a dialog has descriptive tool-tip, which describes the meaning of setting.

Tip: Make sure that the names of Imported modules in testIDEA File | Properties | Scripts match existing modules with extension functions. If no extension functions are used by your test cases, then you can clear this field. Otherwise the generated script will fail with ImportError exception.

If the generated script does not meet our requirements, we can modify it and use it as a template. The only constraint for template are two lines with special comments used as markers of configuration section. These two lines should start with ' #@ ' special comment. Everything between these two lines is replaced with variables from the script generator dialog shown above. Everything else is copied from the template to the generated script.
If lines with special comment are not present in the template, the script is still generated, but testIDEA issues a warning. The generated script is equal to the given template in this case.

Writing scripts manually

This section was more useful before the script generator was added to testIDEA, but the main concepts are still useful when we have special requirements and have to write the script from scratch.

Most of functionality shown in this section is implemented in class isystem.itest.PTestCase for Python and in class CTestCase for other languages. (see API documentation bundled with SDK). Before writing own code it is recommended to see documentation of this class and write own functions only if the provided class does not meet our requirements.

The main class for loading test specifications from iyaml file is CTestBench. Let's see an example:

      import isystem.connect as ic

      testBench = ic.CTestBench.load('myTests.iyaml', 0)
That's it! Object testBench now contains everything we've created and saved in testIDEA. If we take a look at CTestBench API, we can see that it has methods for getting references to the three parts of information managed by testIDEA - test environment, test specification, and test report configuration. Each of these objects then provides additional methods to access test data. Classes CTestEnvironmentConfig and CTestReportConfig are usually not that interesting in scripting environment, since we usually already know settings like the output report format or initialization steps. The most important class is therefore CTestSpecification, which contains all information about tests and expected results. winIDEA SDK provides access to all test data, but usually we just want to execute the test. This can be done with the following code:
    rootTestSpec = testBench.getTestSpecification()

    import isystem.itest as it
    testCase = it.PTestCase(connectionMgr)
    testCase.runTests(rootTestSpec, None, None)
These lines will execute all the tests from file created with testIDEA. The rootTestSpec is only a container for all other test specifications, and contains no data for testing. That is also the reason to set its run flag to false . Otherwise we'll get the following runtime error:
      ValueError: Function name must not be empty string!
If we want to get more control over test execution, we can execute base tests one by one. Example:
    for i in range(rootTestSpec.getNoOfDerivedSpecs()):
        testSpec = rootTestSpec.getDerivedTestSpec(i)
        testCase.runTests(testSpec, None)
The next code snippet demonstrates filtering. It executes base tests which contain tag ' extended ':
    for i in range(rootTestSpec.getNoOfDerivedSpecs()):
        testSpec = rootTestSpec.getDerivedTestSpec(i)
        tags = ic.StrVector()

        if 'extended' in tags:
            testCase.runDerivedTests(testSpec, None, None)
If we want to control execution of each tests, including derived tests, then recursion is useful, so we need to write the following function:
    def runDerivedTests(testCase, testSpec, filterTag, results):
        This method runs derived tests recursively. Some basic filtering
        is performed on tags.

        if testSpec.getRunFlag():

            mergedTestSpec = testSpec.merge()

            tags = ic.StrVector()

            if filterTag in tags:
                # merge base test spec and the derived one into one test spec

                print 'executing:', mergedTestSpec.getTestId()
                testCase.itest(mergedTestSpec, None)

        numDerivedTestSpecs = testSpec.getNoOfDerivedSpecs()
        for idx in range(0, numDerivedTestSpecs):
            runDerivedTests(testCase, testSpec.getDerivedTestSpec(idx), filterTag, results)
To execute tests we can write:
    rootTestSpec = testBench.getTestSpecification()

    testResults = []
    runDerivedTests(testCase, rootTestSpec, 'extended', testResults)


After test execution we want to get report, either visual or stored to file. The code which produces basic output is shown below:
    for testResult in testResults:
        if testResult.isError():
            print "Error: ", testResult.getTestId()
            print "OK: ", testResult.getTestId()
Saving to file is shown in examples mentioned below.

Script methods and monitor

When we were calling the method runTests() in examples above, we've also specified the two additional parameters as None . The first parameter can be used to specify object with script methods specified in test specifications, and the second one may provide us feedback during execution. Implementation and usage of these two objects is shown in SDK examples samples/itest/ , and samples/itest/ . See also SDK API documentation.


All the code shown above can be found in winIDEA Python SDK, files samples/itest/ and samples/itest/ . API for test reports is used in samples/itest/ .

SDK also contains other examples for advanced usage of winIDEA SDK. Script generated by testIDEA are also a good starting point.