This is the complete list of members for isys::ConnectionMgr, including all inherited members.
connect(SPConnectionConfig spConnectionConfig) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
connect() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
connect(const std::string &address, int iconnectPort) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
connect(uint32_t pid) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
ConnectionMgr(void) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
ConnectionMgr(const std::string &rstrPath) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
ConnectionMgr(ConnectionMgr::EVersionControl versionControl) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
connectMRU(const std::string &workspacePath="", const std::string &winIDEAId="", const std::string &hostIpAddress="", bool isUseServerEnvVars=true) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
connectMRUEx(const std::string &workspacePath, bool isAnyWinIDEAId, const std::string &winIDEAId, const std::string &hostIpAddress, bool isUseServerEnvVars) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
disconnect(IConnect::EDetachFlags flags=IConnect::dfCloseAutoSaveDefault) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
disconnect(IConnect::EDetachFlags closeServerFlags, IConnect::EDetachFlags autoSaveFlags) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
disconnect_close(bool bSaveAll) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
disconnect_keep() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
enumerateWinIDEAInstances(const std::string &address, const SPConnectionConfig spConnectionConfig, VectorWinIDEAInstanceInfo &instances) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
EVersionControl enum name | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
EVersionError enum value | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
EVersionIgnore enum value | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
EVersionWarning enum value | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
findExistingInstance(const std::string &address, SPConnectionConfig spConnectionConfig) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
findOrStartInstance(SPConnectionConfig spConnectionConfig) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
get_installed_winIDEAs(bool bAllowOwner, bool bAllowDeployment) | isys::ConnectionMgr | static |
getId() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
getLastErrorMsg() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
getLogger() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
getWinIDEAVersion() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
initLogger(const std::string &id, const std::string &fileName, isys::CLogger::LogFileLanguage language) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
isAttached() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
isConnected(bool bCheckConnection=false) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
isCoreLaunched(int coreIndex) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
isStartedFromWinIDEA() | isys::ConnectionMgr | static |
isWarning() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
launchCore(int coreIndex, bool isPrimaryCoreIndexed=false) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
launchCore1(uint32_t coreIndex) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
startNewInstance(SPConnectionConfig spConnectionConfig) | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
terminate() | isys::ConnectionMgr | |
~ConnectionMgr(void) | isys::ConnectionMgr |