Examples with charts

This script opens a window with chart and reads and draws values of target variable 'main_loop_counter' in real-time for 5 seconds.

This script demonstrates recording of watch expressions and variables using slower but more flexible evaluator and fast batch access. The recorded data is then written to CSV file. If the 'openpyxl' module is installed, the data is also written to XLSX file. All the above functionality is grouped into functions, so you can easily take out only part of the script. This script can also be imported as a module by other scripts, so it is easy to reuse functions found here.

This script opens a window with chart and reads and draws values of target variable given in command line in real-time for 5 seconds. Since data acquisition is used, sampling times can be around 1ms (target dependent).

This script plots several variables in one chart. The chart is automatically scaled so that all the data is visible. To use this script as a module, import it to your scripts and call function startRecorder() with the list of variables you want to observe.

This script generates a flow chart for a function from its disassembly information. Graphwiz must be installed on the system, and its bin directory in system PATH.

This script processes data recorded by profiler and creates two types of diagrams - UML sequence diagrams and call graphs. See comment in the script for additional modules required to run the script.