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PC Sampling

PC Sampling is configured in the Analyzer configuration under the Data section. Refer to the Sampling chapter for more information for requirements and limitations.



Make sure that Profiler is checked in the Analyzer Configuration / Recorder page.



Select Operation mode None in Hardware  / CPU Options / Analyzer.

With option None you record only sampling areas. Refer to Operation mode for more information.



Create a new PC Sampling Area via Analyzer / Profiler / New PC Sampling.



Refer to Data Profiling for more information.



Configure the new PC Sampling Profiler Area.




hmtoggle_arrow0 If you leave the field, where functions are listed, empty, all functions of the selected application will be analyzed.


Code Areas - Start typing in the field and filter the functions.

Multiple function  areas can be specified with a wild card.

* - any sequence of characters

? - any single character

# - any single digit

[set] - any of the characters in the set

[!set] - none of the characters in the set


A set is defined as a sequence of characters. If a dash is used, all characters within the range qualify, e.g. [a-z] defines all characters in range a to z.




Configure PC Sampling pool via Profiler / Advanced. (optional).

Amount of samples used by Sampling analysis. If left blank (default) 1000 will be used. Sample Pool is configurable in the Advanced Profiler Configuration. Select number of samples in the PC sampling pool field and reanalyze the .trd file.


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