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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.304

Tasks Window

Tasks window (View / Debug / Tasks) displays a list of tasks that the chosen RTOS is executing.

This view displays only general task information. For RTOS specific view use the RTOS plugins. Following image depicts an example of tasks window for MQX RTOS.

Click to enlarge


Tasks toolbar





Set Context

Sets debug context for the selected task.


Task Properties

Displays additional information of the selected task.



Refreshes the display of the task view.



Task selection

Debug context is set for the task chosen in the Tasks drop-down menu.



Stack frame selection

Task view

Displays the list of all tasks that are being executed on the target. The currently running task is highlighted. View consists of several columns:

ID - Displays the task ID. Task, for which the debug context is currently set, is marked with an arrow. Double click on the task ID sets debug context for that task.

Name - Displays the task name.

State - Displays the task state.

Location - Displays the current execution function name for specific task.

Stack - Displays current stack usage in percent.

Info - Displays additional information about RTOS task. This information is specific for each RTOS. In the case of MQX RTOS this item describes tasks error description and code.



Colors and Fonts

Colors and Fonts dialog allows customization of fonts or colors-schemes for easier navigation. It is opened:

By right-clicking in the window and selecting Options from the context menu or

Selecting Tools | Options | Colors and Fonts.


You can customize colors and fonts for:

Output windows

Disassembly Window

Memory Window

Terminal Window

View (proportional): Special Function Register (SFR) Window, Project, Symbols, Plugins, RTOS, Callstack Window

View (fixed): Watches and Locals Window





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