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Navigation: FNet Communication Network

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In this topic:

ADIO Add-on module

CAN/LIN Add-on module





FNet is an internal proprietary bus system and communication protocol that provides fast communication between devices connected to the same network and enables:

Fast communication between MCU and BlueBox;

Network analysis;

Synchronous debug and trace of multiple MCUs;

Correlation of MCU events with network events.


FNet communication network is supported on iC7max/iC5700 BlueBox.


FNet ports

iC7max features 6 FNet ports which allows connection of 6 FNet devices/Fnodes. iC5700 features 1 FNet port, which allows connection of 1 FNet device/FNodes. iC5700 Hub extends the iC5700 with 3 additional FNet ports and a FBridge port.



FBridge port connects two iC7max/iC5700 with Hub for synchronous debug and trace



FNodes are FNet devices which can be connected to the FNet ports. These FNodes are Active Probes and Add-on modules. Active Probes connected to iC7max/iC5700 offer higher and simultaneous debugging, testing, tracing, and profiling of applications running on different or identical architectures.


Analog/Digital and Network Trace Add-on modules ADIO and CAN/LIN capture network data.



Click to enlarge

FNet communication network setup with two iC7max, Active Probes, ADIO and CAN/LIN

Click to enlarge

FNet communication network setup with two iC5700, Active Probes, ADIO and CAN/LIN



ADIO Add-on module

Having a dedicated mini-HIL controller, with the ability to correlate external signals (analog, digital or SPI messages) with the execution of embedded applications, is becoming increasingly useful in modern embedded systems. Aside from being able to generate analog and digital signals, ADIO can also capture and display them in parallel to the microcontroller code execution, i.e. synchronously to the program trace.


Click to enlarge

ADIO setup with iC7max

Click to enlarge

ADIO setup with iC5700


ADIO can be used to:

Correlate of bus data to the application behavior (trace data) over time

Capture analog / digital signals and correlate this to trace recordings

Show timing information of signals correlated to program and data trace (showing delays across the system)

Generate digital/analog signals to control the target hardware

Generate trigger signals for measurement equipment

Automate testing with the use of scripting


For more information refer to:

ADIO Use cases overview

ADIO Configuration



CAN/LIN Add-on module

Having a dedicated Network Analyzer synchronized with the program trace can be very useful, especially when trying to debug a large number of interconnected devices (like ECUs in a car).


CAN or LIN can be used to:

Track system bus activity

Measure worst case time analysis

Measure system end-to-end response times

Inject CAN messages

Trigger trace recording


Click to enlarge

CAN/LIN setup with iC7max

Click to enlarge

CAN/LIN setup with iC5700


For more information refer to:

CAN/LIN Use cases overview

CAN/LIN Configuration

CAN message injection



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