No Matches
CUtil.h File Reference


This contains utility functions and typedefs for C++ containers used in isystem.connect.

Containers are mapped to other language in a way to make their usage as close to destination language as possible. For example, StrStrMap wrapper class in Python supports overloaded operators, iterators, and easy conversion between C++ and Python objects. For example:

m = {'a': 'r', 'b': 'q'}
sm = isystem.connect.StrStrMap(m)   # Python mapping to StrStrMap.
m2 = dict(sm)                       # m2 is Python mapping
sm['x'] = 'y'                       # overloaded []
#include "BB_CRT/AddressDefs.h"
#include "isys_common/isys_expression.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>


typedef std::vector< ADDRESS_64 > iconnect::AddressVector
 Vector of addresses.
typedef std::vector< unsigned char > iconnect::ByteVector
 Vector of unsigned bytes.
typedef ByteVector::const_iterator iconnect::ByteVectorConstIter
 ByteVector const iterator.
typedef ByteVector::iterator iconnect::ByteVectorIter
 ByteVector iterator.
typedef std::vector< uint64_t > iconnect::DQordVector
 Vector of unsigned 32-bit integers.
typedef std::vector< uint32_t > iconnect::DWordVector
 Vector of unsigned 32-bit integers.
typedef DWordVector::const_iterator iconnect::DWordVectorConstIter
 DWordVector const iterator.
typedef DWordVector::iterator iconnect::DWordVectorIter
 DWordVector iterator.
typedef std::vector< int > iconnect::IntVector
 Vector of integers.
typedef IntVector::const_iterator iconnect::IntVectorConstIter
 IntVector const iterator.
typedef IntVector::iterator iconnect::IntVectorIter
 IntVector iterator.
typedef std::set< std::string > iconnect::StrSet
 Set of strings.
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > iconnect::StrStrMap
 Map of [string, string] pairs.
typedef StrStrMap::const_iterator iconnect::StrStrMapConstIter
 StrStrMap const iterator.
typedef StrStrMap::iterator iconnect::StrStrMapIter
 StrStrMap iterator.
typedef std::vector< std::string > iconnect::StrVector
 Vector of strings.
typedef StrVector::const_iterator iconnect::StrVectorConstIter
 StrVector const iterator.
typedef StrVector::iterator iconnect::StrVectorIter
 StrVector iterator.


enum  iconnect::ETristate
 This enum is used for boolean values, which may be defined as false or true, or are not defined in which case the default value is used.


std::string iconnect::create_qualified_name (const isys::Ssymbol_FQN &fqn, uint16_t format_flags=isys::Ssymbol_FQN::eFull)
 This function creates a string with qualified symbol name from components given in the input struct.
std::string iconnect::getModuleVersion ()
 This function returns version of current isystem.connect module in format: {<major>.
std::string iconnect::getUID ()
 Returns string unique for this process.
isys::Ssymbol_FQN iconnect::parse_qualified_name (const std::string &svFQN)
 This function parses fully qualified name of a symbol and returns its components in a struct.
void iconnect::putStrStrMap (StrStrMap &container, const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
int iconnect::readChar ()
 Reads a single character from stdin, if available.
void iconnect::requires_SDK (const uint8_t nMajor, const uint8_t nMinor, const uint16_t nBuild, uint16_t nSubBuild=0xFFFF, uint32_t nSccBuild=0xFFFFFFFF)
 Checks if current version is older than specified in parameters and throws exception if that is the case.

Function Documentation

◆ create_qualified_name()

std::string iconnect::create_qualified_name ( const isys::Ssymbol_FQN & fqn,
uint16_t format_flags = isys::Ssymbol_FQN::eFull )

This function creates a string with qualified symbol name from components given in the input struct.

See also

◆ getModuleVersion()

std::string iconnect::getModuleVersion ( )

This function returns version of current isystem.connect module in format: {<major>.

<minor>.<build>.<sub_build>}, for example ''. Use this function if you want to print version only, otherwise usage of getSdkVersion() is preferred.

See also

◆ getUID()

std::string iconnect::getUID ( )

Returns string unique for this process.

This function is not reentrant. The string may contain numbers and letters.

◆ parse_qualified_name()

isys::Ssymbol_FQN iconnect::parse_qualified_name ( const std::string & svFQN)

This function parses fully qualified name of a symbol and returns its components in a struct.

Symbols in an application can have many qualifiers to be uniquely identifiable, but not all of them are always necessary. Additionally this function supports parsing of modifiers, which are used only for presentation of symbol value.

Symbol name is composed of:

  • qualified name: <file name>#<function>##<instance>###<namespace><naked><signature>
    • file name - source file where the symbol is defined
    • function - function where the symbol is defined, for example static variables in C
    • instance
    • namespace - C++ namespace
    • naked - only identifier name, for example function name or variable name
    • signature - function parameters and return value
  • extended qualifiers
    • partition
    • process
  • modifier - modifier is used for presentation only, for example in watch window.

The following terms are also used:

  • fully qualified name <qualified name>,,<partition>,,,<process>
  • presentation name: <fully qualified name>,<modifier>
See also

◆ putStrStrMap()

void iconnect::putStrStrMap ( StrStrMap & container,
const std::string & key,
const std::string & value )
SWIG generates wrappers for C++ std containers, so new items can be added with Python syntax, for example: ‘smap['x’] = 'y'`.

Utility method for adding (key, value) pairs to StrStrMap. Intended to be used from Python and Java code.

◆ readChar()

int iconnect::readChar ( )

Reads a single character from stdin, if available.

If the character is not available, 0 is returned.

◆ requires_SDK()

void iconnect::requires_SDK ( const uint8_t nMajor,
const uint8_t nMinor,
const uint16_t nBuild,
uint16_t nSubBuild = 0xFFFF,
uint32_t nSccBuild = 0xFFFFFFFF )

Checks if current version is older than specified in parameters and throws exception if that is the case.

nMajormajor version number
nMinorminor version number
nBuildbuild number
nSubBuildsub-build number, optional
nSccBuildsource control revision number, optional