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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.300

Installation guide


winIDEA is a cross-platform IDE that provides consistent experience on the

Microsoft Windows


operating systems.



Getting started with winIDEA IDE on Microsoft or Linux



Choose your IDE

For your development project, you can use the winIDEA IDE, but you also have the flexibility to take advantage of its powerful debugging capabilities into various other IDEs through supported extensions or plugins. This allows you to work within your preferred development environment while still taking advantage of winIDEA's advanced features. The following IDEs are supported:

Visual Studio Code

Eclipse (general market distribution)


TASKING VX-Toolset for Arm

NXP Design Studio IDE

AURIX™ Development Studio

Synopsys Virtualizer Studio



System Requirements

Supported operating systems:

Windows 10 or newer 64-bit, ARM, x64

Ubuntu Linux LTS 20.04 or newer






16 GB

32 GB or more

Disk space

Windows: 80 GB free space on the TEMP drive

Linux: 80 GB free space

Windows: 100 GB free space on the TEMP drive

Linux: 100 GB free space

Screen resolution


Full HD


A more capable system will result in higher overall performance for Trace, Profiler and Coverage and enable recording longer trace sessions (depending on the specific target microcontroller and the frequency at which it operates).



More resources

Maintaining multiple installed versions of winIDEA

Uninstalling an older winIDEA version



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