Execution History
In this topic:
Execution History plugin displays the contents of the CPU's internal FIFO, which is filled each time the program flow changes. It shows addresses (and source locations if possible) of last 8 change-of-flow instructions. Execution History plugin is supported only on older cores (typically found in MPC55xx SoCs).
Select View | [SoC.COREn] PowerPC | Execution History to load the plugin window.
Column |
Description |
Address |
Displays the address, where the execution was resumed |
Location |
Displays the name of the function, in which the instruction was executed |
Line |
Displays the source line of the executed instruction |
To display or hide columns, right-click on a column header and select what you want to see. |
Right-click in the plugin window to open the context menu.
Copy Python access snippet - Copy SDK code snippet to extract the content from the plugin window.
Auto Fit - Arrange all the columns to fit in the plugin window.
Options - Set colors and fonts.
Help - Open winIDEA Help.