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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.261

Navigation: Debugging > Debug Options

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winIDEA will always refresh displayed information when the CPU stops. Additionally you can configure winIDEA to periodically refresh displayed information.


Open Debug | Debug Options | Update to tailor the debugging experience to your needs.




Real-time Access

Update when running -  Update displayed information when the CPU is running

Update when stopped (not recommended) - Update displayed information when the CPU is stopped

Update Period - Determine the interval to update real-time information


Monitor Access

Accessing memory using a debug monitor gives access to all memory available to the CPU, the CPU must however be stopped for this purpose.

Update all configured update targets when:

the CPU is running

when the CPU is stopped

when a conditional breakpoint's condition is evaluated to zero


Update Period - Determine the interval in which winIDEA updates monitored information. Default  0.05 s / 1 s, applies to all architectures.


Update Target

Define the desktop information to update:

Watch - expressions in the watch window

Memory - currently open memory windows

Register - register pane of the disassembly window

OS - operating system window



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