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Version: 9.21.312

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Workspace Management

In this topic:

Maintaining multiple installed versions of winIDEA

Uninstalling an older winIDEA version

Saving a winIDEA workspace


winIDEA is a windows based application.


The user interface is customizable and can be adapted to your preferences. It organizes project development in workspaces.

Each workspace contains the information on how the files necessary for a successful build of your project are related to each other, along with information on other features that aid development, such as bookmarks, breakpoints, desktop layout etc.


Virtually, all of the workspace information (except some user preferences, like color and keyboard settings) is stored in a workspace file. Ideally, you will organize your project in a new directory where the workspace file will be located. This is considered to be your working directory.


You are free to create sub-directories and place your source files there. All file path information in a workspace is stored relative to the workspace file location, so you will be able to move, copy and share the workspace to any other directory without disturbing its functionality.



Maintaining multiple installed versions of winIDEA

If you use the Installer Edition, you can maintain multiple installed versions of winIDEA, change the path of the installation folder during the installation wizard.

The Portable Version of winIDEA, you can extract in any location.



Uninstalling an older winIDEA version

If an older version of winIDEA is no longer needed, uninstall it before starting the installation of newer winIDEA. Your winIDEA workspaces will not be deleted.


If an older version of winIDEA is still needed, choose a different folder to install the newer winIDEA. It is possible to use multiple winIDEA versions side by side.



Saving a winIDEA workspace

When saving a winIDEA workspace three different files are created by winIDEA that will be found in your chosen directory.



Included information


Configuration settings made thus far.

It is recommended to store this file within your software versioning system.


Build Manager configurations


Temporary Windows file that winIDEA creates when debugging

It should also not be included in your versioning system.


GUI information



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