Debug & Trace on Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers with iSYSTEM Tools
This webinar explains the debug and trace architecture and features of a Cortex-M4 core. It shows how a debugger connects to a target for debug and trace, describes various configuration options for debug use-cases such as exception handling, device protection settings and core performance measurement and demonstrates the capabilities of hardware trace using an AUTOSAR OS based sample application.
Who should watch?
Embedded software developers, system architects, software integrators and test engineers who want to get a basic understanding of the debug and trace capabilities of a microcontroller based on an ARM Cortex-M4 core. This webinar mainly focuses on microcontrollers used in the automotive domain, such as NXP S32K14x and Cypress Traveo II.
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We empower embedded software engineers to do it right!
Our BlueBox Technology stands for fast and easy microcontroller access via any kind of debug interface. Complemented with integrated development and test software winIDEA/testIDEA it provides access to on-target timing information. Embedded software engineers can review application timing, analyze real-time operating system states, and undertake code coverage to prove that their products do what they were built to do.
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