iC7max BlueBox

The iC7max BlueBox is a next-generation platform designed for efficient flashing, synchronous debugging, tracing and testing of embedded Multi-SoC systems.

In addition to deep insight into the SoC, it adds network observation and precise control and analysis of analog/digital signals - using ADIO and CAN/LIN Add-on modules.

Technical Data:
Communication interfaces to PC

USB 3.0, 10/100/1000 Ethernet


170 mm x 170 mm x 45 mm (L x V x H)

Debug performance

up to 160 MHz (depending on a protocol and target design)*

Trace Port Support

On-Chip trace buffer, Parallel Trace, HSSTP, Aurora*

Trace Bandwidth

up to 500 MHz in parallel mode*, up to 5 Gbps in serial mode*

FNet Interface

6 (up to 10Gbps)



Analog/Digital and Network Trace

ADIO and CAN/LIN Add-on module

Supported Microcontroller Architecture
  • Infineon AURIX™
  • Power Architecture®
  • Renesas RH850
  • ARM® Cortex™-M, Cortex™-A and Cortex™-R
  • RISC-V
  • ... others


In addition to the iC7pro BlueBox features:

Synchronization and Multi SoC

Analog/Digital and Network Trace

Active Probes

  • Synchronous Debug and Trace
  • Multi SoC Debug and Trace ready
  • 6 FNet ports for Active Probes and Add-on modules
  • FBridge for synchronization of two iC7max BlueBox Debuggers
  • Sophisticated internal triggering system
  • CAN and LIN Network analysis, synchronized with SoC program and RTOS trace
  • Analog and Digital signal control, protocol analysis (SPI), synchronized with SoC program and RTOS trace
  • For various architectures
  • Higher debug and trace performance
  • Robust design
  • Compact size allows connecting to a Target ECU in a confined space
  • Can be positioned as far as 10m away from the BlueBox


For other details and a comparison table refer to the iC7 BlueBox Debugger family Comparison table.

Active Probes

Active Probes offer the best debugging and tracing solutions across various architectures with their adaptable design. Their compact size allows integration even in confined spaces, while their robust design guarantees durability. Moreover, Active Probes allow remote positioning up to 10 m away from the BlueBox, providing even more flexibility in setup and placement.

Advanced real-time logic can detect events inside the chip - like device stopping on a breakpoint. Upon detection of such events, internal BlueBox triggers are generated which can be used in other parts of the system. For example the mDIO port can toggle a pin connected to external measurement equipment, like a logic analyzer.
Similarly, an Active Probe can react to such a trigger and immediately stop the CPU. For example, observation of a CAN message with a certain payload can, via such a trigger, stop the SoC.


Network Interfaces

ADIO and CAN/LIN Add-on modules extend the system observability from SoC to the entire ECU. Through development, system integration, and testing stages a time-synchronized correlation between the embedded software and ECU external buses is possible.

The CAN/LIN Add-on module connects to CAN and LIN buses. Network packet capture is synchronized with the SoC trace and is very useful when trying to debug a large number of interconnected devices (like ECUs in a car). It can be used to track system bus activity, measure worst case time analysis, measure system end-to-end response times and trigger BlueBox events - like starting trace recording, stopping the SoC, counting events etc.
Additionally, CAN messages can be injected to thoroughly test system functionality.

ADIO Add-on module observes digital and analog I/Os on the ECU, be it standalone or grouped as SPI or I2C bus. Similar to CAN bus analysis it can record activity and react to specific events. For example: an external test-setup can detect an error condition, signal it via a simple digital line which the ADIO detects and sends a BlueBox trigger to the active probe which quickly stops the SoC. This allows a 'fresh' post-mortem diagnostics.

Additionally, all digital and analog lines can be actively driven, with a fixed state, controlled via SDK or a configurable signal pattern.


Synchronized Debug and Trace

iC7max has been developed for the purpose of analyzing and synchronizing complex systems.

The 6 FNet ports allow a custom combination of Active Probes and Add-on modules, making a full real-time, system-wide, time-synchronized trace possible.
Using event inspection, the internal trigger system can be used to detect and react to events like SoC stop, CAN payload, etc.

Through the FBridge port two iC7max can be connected, time-synchronized and trigger events made visible on both. A typical use case is synchronized run/stop control of multiple-SoCs in high-safety ECUs.

Through the FBridge port run/stop control of two iC7max BlueBox Debuggers with various embedded targets can be synchronized.


mDIO port

The mDIO port provides four digital signals, which can interact with the embedded target. Each can be configured either for input or output operation. You can use it as input trigger, hardware watchdog disable, GPIO pin toggling, HIL control, and Synchronous observing.


SDK Support

All iC7max Active probes and Add-on modules are fully controllable via winIDEA SDK and can be used as means of measurement or control in test automation.