
Besides many joint customer projects, Elektrobit and iSYSTEM have worked closely together to create various demonstrator platforms used to present advanced timing analysis concepts during the workshops of the Embedded Multicore Conference (EMCC).

You plan to use our tools together with EB tresos Studio to run timing analysis on EB tresos AutoCore or Safety OS? You want to profile OS Task/Thread States or profile Runnables? Get in touch with us and we will help you setting it all up!

EB tresos AutoCore OS

Running OS Task/ISR profiling by means of ORTI

Standard ORTI Running Task and Running ISR2 tracing can be achieved by importing the ORTI file generated by EB tresos Studio into winIDEA. There is no need for code instrumentation as all required run-time information can be obtained by monitoring OS-internal data objects by means of on-chip hardware trace mechanisms.
Alternatively, to the ORTI file, an iSYSTEM-proprietary XML file can provided that allows to override or extend specific OS object definitions in the ORTI file.

Current status of all OS objects described in the ORTI file can be obtain via the OS Objects view.

Figure shows Running Task and Running ISR2 Profiling Timeline of an EB tresos AutoCore Application.

OS Task-State Trace by means of OS Trace Hook Instrumentation

For a more detailed analysis of the OS scheduling it is often not enough to trace only the currently running OS task, but may require tracing the detailed state of each task.

The trace instrumentation hooks of the EB tresos AutoCore OS can be utilized to signal the state transition of each OS task and ISR2.

iSYSTEM can support you in enabling OS task and ISR2 state tracing in your system, by providing trace hook implementations for various CPU types and compilers, winIDEA Trace Analyzer configuration scripts and support for EB tresos Studio configuration.

Figure shows an OS task-state profiler timeline of a multi-core EB tresos AutoCore application.

The trace instrumentation code basically just copies a set of macro parameters into a designated global variable. Therefore, the inserted instrumentation code comprises only a few assembly instructions. This solution still uses the on-chip trace hardware to monitor the accesses to the dedicated trace variable and to transmit the trace data to the trace tool. The timing overhead introduced by this “hybrid” solution (instrumentation + hardware trace) is kept at the absolute minimum.

AUTOSAR Timing Parameter generation via iSYSTEM Profiler Inspectors

The iSYSTEM profiler features so-called profiler »Inspectors«. These inspectors basically allow a user-defined post-analysis of the profiler timeline and can be used for sophisticated, user-specific event-chain analysis of trace recordings, presented by the profiler.

An inspector allows to create a new profiler object, derived from the analysis of already existing profiler objects.

As shown in the Figure, such inspectors can, for instance, be used to derive standard AUTOSAR Timing Metrics (according to AUTOSAR_TR_TimingAnalysis).

EB tresos Safety OS

EB tresos Safety OS is a micro-kernel based OS and thus does not follow the approaches known from classic AUTOSAR OS (i.e. OSEK) implementations. Tasks and ISR2 objects are all managed by EB tresos Safety OS as threads. Therefore, standard ORTI-based OS task and ISR2 tracing cannot be applied.

The sections below describe two concepts for OS scheduling analysis on EB tresos Safety OS. Please refer also the Application Note EB tresos Safety OS Thread Profiling.

Running OS Thread Profiling without Instrumentation

For Running OS Thread tracing there is no need for code instrumentation as all required run-time information can be obtained by monitoring OS-internal data objects by means of on-chip hardware trace mechanisms.

However, standard ORTI-based tracing cannot be applied. However, we can support you in enabling Running OS Thread tracing in your system, by providing an iSYSTEM-proprietary XML file to be imported into winIDEA.

Figure shows a Running OS Thread profiler timeline of a multi-core EB tresos Safety application.

OS Thread-State Profiling via OS Trace Hook Instrumentation

For a detailed analysis of the OS scheduling it is often not enough to trace the currently running OS thread, but may require tracing the detailed state of each thread.

The trace instrumentation hooks of the EB tresos Safety OS can be utilized to signal the state transition of each OS thread.

iSYSTEM can support you in enabling OS Thread-State tracing in your system, by providing trace hook implementations for various CPU types and compilers, winIDEA Trace Analyzer configuration scripts and support for EB tresos Studio configuration.

Figure shows an OS Thread-State profiler timeline of a multi-core EB tresos Safety application.

RTE Virtual Functional Bus (VFB) Trace

Runnable Tracing by means of RTE Virtual-Functional-Bus (VFB) Trace

A standard feature of the RTE is Virtual Functional Bus (VFB) trace. Individual Runnables can be selected by the user for VFB trace, i.e. the RTE generator automatically generates empty Trace Hook functions (Runnable Start and Return Hook) which can be “filled” by suitable trace instrumentation code to support Runnable profiling by means of hardware data trace.

In order to ease the VFB trace hook instrumentation iSYSTEM has developed an EB tresos Studio Plugin, which automatically inserts the suitable code during the RTE code generation.

Figure below shows RTE Virtual Functional Bus Trace Hook Selection in EB tresos Studio.

Figure below shows OS Task and Runnable Profile created by means of VFB Trace Hook Instrumentation.

Application Notes

Document Description
EB tresos Safety OS 2.x Thread Profiling

This application note describes two approaches for OS scheduling analysis on EB tresos Safety OS.

Elektrobit EB tresos AutoCore Profiling

This application note describes how to use the iSYSTEM winIDEA Analyzer for the timing analysis of the EB tresos AutoCore operating system.

Elektrobit EB tresos Runnable Profiling

This application note describes how to use the iSYSTEM winIDEA Analyzer for the timing analysis of AUTOSAR Runnables of the two Elektrobit AUTOSAR solutions “EB tresos AutoCore” and “EB tresos Safety”.