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Effective tool for graphical presentation

Visualize acquired data

Charts are used to graphically present high-frequency data acquired using real-time access to the target hardware. Each dot on the chart represents one acquired data sample. Charts can be closely inspected by zooming and stretching and if left alone the maximum amount of latest data will be displayed.

Configure sampling period

DAQ sampling period is configurable: max, 1ms, 10ms, 100ms, 1s The data table in the lower right corner is used to get precise data values when required. Every column represents one variable and the first column is the time of the acquired data sample. Every row represents the last acquired sample value.

Export acquired data

The data acquired can be exported to a file (Excel, csv, text file) and the variable configuration can be saved into a configuration file.

Get daqIDEA

daqIDEA is part of winIDEA IDE. It’s included in every winIDEA and requires no dedicated license. Access to DAQ functionality is also available via winIDEA automation API isystem.connect.

Effective tool for graphical presentation for iSYSTEM daqIDEA