Image checker

When an embedded SoC powers up, it first reads its boot configuration from internal FLASH. This configuration can define the boot core sequence, whether the debug port is enabled, and more.

An incorrect configuration can cause unexpected behavior and if the debug port is disabled, the SoC can no longer be accessed. While this might be required in a final product, in a development and test environment, the device needs to be physically replaced.

To prevent such undesired effects, winIDEA provides the Image Checker.

Image checking works by analyzing the downloaded content and the current SoC configuration. Before the FLASH is reprogrammed, winIDEA will simulate the FLASH image and what effects it would have.

Here are some of the checks performed on an AURIX device:

  • If a password is enabled, compare it to the expected one
  • Compare the configured Startup Address in the User Configuration Blocks (UCBs) with the Program Entry Point in the ELF file
  • Compare lock-step configuration with the expected one
  • Verify hardened PFLASH protection when using a debug lock
  • Check whether any PFLASH sectors are configured as HSM-exclusive
  • Ensure that the HSM code is correctly loaded into the designated HSM Code Sector
  • etc.


Note: The Image checker requires a winIDEA Pro license.