Virtual ECUs

winIDEA and SDK support for virtual ECUs


Virtual ECUs are advanced simulators that allow users to start early product prototyping and software development, typically before a real ECU hardware or even the SoC is available.

TASKING winIDEA supports virtual ECUs with the same feature set as the BlueBox hardware debuggers. Thus all advanced debug and trace functionality as well as the IDE user experience remains available as the user shifts from real to virtual ECU and back


winIDEA workspace with BlueBox Debugger winIDEA workspace with virtual ECUs
winIDEA workspace with BlueBox Debugger winIDEA workspace with virtual ECUs


Likewise, winIDEA SDK provides the same interfaces - a test for Continuous Integration automation script can be used without change on both the real and virtual ECU.


With a winIDEA vECU License, winIDEA supports:



Supported VDKs:

  • TC36x
  • TC38x
  • TC39x
  • TC49x
  • TC4Dx
  • SR6P7G7
  • S32K388
  • ARMv8