The complexity of AUTOSAR based applications has increased continuously over the last decade. With more functionality running on a single microcontroller it is more important than ever to have a good understanding of the timing behavior of these applications.
These webinars offer an extensive understanding of different timing-analysis techniques via hardware tracing in operating systems ETAS-RTA and Vector MICROSAR.
An overview over different timing-analysis techniques, hardware trace based AUTOSAR OS and RTE profiling, and how to utilize these approaches for different use-cases.
A detailed look into the OS and RTE profiling, starting with the “Hello, world!” of timing-analysis – Running Task/ISR trace, and more complex use-cases such as task state and Runnable profiling.
Record the OS and RTE behavior without instrumentation; reconstruct task states by recording different OS variables with Profiler Inspectors; configure the steps via iTCHi - iSYSTEM Trace Configuration Helper.
Record Runnable events with instrumentation via the VBF trace hooks; record task states and ISRs via the Vector OS timing hooks; configure the steps via iTCHi - iSYSTEM Trace Configuration Helper.
Getting started with winIDEA
Getting started with testIDEA
Start tracing with iSYSTEM tools
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