How to enable Flash Programming
In this topic:
•Enabling memory device for Flash Programming
•TC3xx Programming HSM exclusive DFLASH1 via Cerberus
Internal CPU program Flash is programmed through the standard debug interface. The debugger recognizes which code from the download file fits in the internal flash and programs it during the debug download. Programming is enabled by UMI technology. Prior to flash programming, you have to enable the memory device you wish to program.
Do not use Fill memory option in the Memory Window to clear UCB section of DataFlash on AURIX devices, because by filling the whole block with any value the chip will become locked. |
For general configuration and options explanation, visit Storage device programming chapter.
Enabling memory device for Flash Programming
Open Hardware | Options | Programming. |
Enable the memory device you wish to program. |
Wrong UCB data can lock the device permanently. Use winIDEA Demo Mode prior flash programming to test whether all UCB sectors contain correct data. Number of writes to UCB is limited. Refer to your TriCore device documentation for the exact number of writes. Uncheck <UCB_device> box once UCB is programmed. |
Open Hardware | Options | Programming. |
Disable DFLASH. |
Enable DFLASH1_Cerberus. |
When HSM core is enabled, DFLASH1 can only be programmed via Cerberus interface.
If DFLASH1 is not set as HSM exclusive it can still be programmed via Cerberus, but the programming can be much slower. DFLASH1 Cerberus does not cover DFLASH0, only DFLASH1.