Flash programming
This chapter explains NXP/ST Power Architecture specific options for Flash manipulation. For general configuration and options explanation, visit the Storage device programming chapter.
VLE stands for a variable length encoding and is an instruction set enhancement allowing reduced code size footprint. MPC5500 family (e200z1 core) introduces VLE besides a standard 32-bit Power ISA instruction set. Note that there are few MPC5500 devices which do not have VLE (MPC5553 and MPC5554). Check specific CPU reference manual for supported VLE. Second core (e200z0) of the MPC551x has VLE instruction set only.
The debugger supports both instruction sets. Some compilers (e.g. Metrowerks) generate a debug info which allows the debugger to distinguish between the code belonging to one instruction set or to the other. This allows the debugger to color the code differently, so the user evidently sees which instruction set is executed. VLE code is colored purple
Standard PowerPC instruction set
VLE instruction set
If the debugger cannot automatically recognize which code from the download file is the standard PowerPC or Alternate ISA type, you can manually define the Alternate ISA areas in Debug | Configure Session | Applications | App | Alternate ISA.
Open Hardware | Options | FLAGS Configuration | Edit options.
UseFactoryMode - enables Factory mode for Flash programming. For more details, refer to device's Reference manual.