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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.312


This page allows selection of information to display for easier navigation. You can open it by:

Selecting Tools | Options | Disassembly or

Right-clicking in the window and selecting Options.




Display information

Symbols - Shows the name of the symbols instead of addresses. This is particularly useful when branch location needs to be determined.

oSymbol values - Shows the Symbol name together with the address

oSFR Registers - The name of the SFR register addressed by the instruction will be shown.

Labels - the labels belonging to the address will be displayed above the address

Source lines - the source lines belonging to the address will be displayed above the address

oFile name and line - the source file name and line number will be displayed together with the source line



Checking the option File name and line can be very helpful to keep the orientation in disassembly code.



The Disassembly window indicator can be displayed as a bar or an arrow.


Memory Access

The memory can be accessed through a monitor or real-time access can be enabled.


Flag Register

Hide Unused Flags - Check this option if you want unused flags to be hidden.


Cleared Flags

With this option you can select how the cleared flags will be displayed – with an underscore or a low case letter.



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