Brand-new iSYSTEM Trace Tutorial online

Why is tracing important?

“If we fail to notice timing related issues in our embedded system, real lives are at risk! When I was a student, printf-Debugging/“Tracing” was a common procedure to test one’s embedded software (if the software was written in C, not in Assembler). It worked and still does. However, at that point of time, embedded software and hardware were less complex, we claimed to know what we did. Anyway, the software development process changed dramatically. Huge software projects come with even bigger challenges and once you integrate all this, timing issues are next to tackle. Therefore, iSYSTEM sets a focus on knowledge transfer especially on this topic. We offer free online tutorials and webinars to enable embedded software engineers to do it right.”, says Erol Simsek, CEO of iSYSTEM.


Semiconductor vendors implement hardware trace IP on most of their embedded processors. By providing access to on-target timing information through a trace interface, engineers can: review application timing, analyze real-time operating system states and undertake code coverage to prove that their products do what they were built to do. The underlying technology behind this is TRACE – Recording the program execution and data events followed by high-level analysis.

Trace Architecture


iSYSTEM BlueBox Technology and Tools provide the hardware and software to connect to an embedded system and perform timing-analysis using TRACE techniques.

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