CFNetCtrl.h File Reference


It contains all declarations for FNet operations.

#include "CIDEController.h"
#include "COptionController.h"
#include "CHILController.h"
#include "util/CUtil.h"


class  isys::CFNetAINCtrl
 FNet Analog Input controller. More...
class  isys::CFNetAOUTCtrl
 FNet Analog Output controller. More...
class  isys::CFNetCANCtrl
 FNet Controller Area Network controller. More...
class  isys::CFNetCounterCtrl
 FNet Counter controller. More...
class  isys::CFNetCtrl
 FNet controller through which you get all of the FNet nodes. More...
class  isys::CFNetDIOCtrl
 FNet Digital Input/Output controller. More...
class  isys::CFNetIPCtrl
 Base class for FNet IP-controllers. More...
class  isys::CFNetLINCtrl
 FNet Local Interconnect Network controller. More...
class  isys::CFNetmDIOCtrl
 FNet mini Digital Input/Output controller (mDIO_AP). More...
class  isys::CFNetSPICtrl
 FNet Serial Peripheral Interface controller. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetAINCfg
 FNet AIN configuration. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetAINChannelOp
 FNet AIN channel operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetAINOp
 FNet AIN operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetAOUTCfg
 FNet AOUT configuration. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetAOUTChannelOp
 FNet AOUT channel operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetCANCfg
 FNet CAN configuration. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetCANOp
 FNet CAN operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetCounterCfg
 FNet Counter configuration. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetCounterChannelOp
 FNet Counter channel operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetCounterOp
 FNet Counter operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetDIOCfg
 FNet DIO configuration. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetDIOComparatorOp
 FNet DIO comparator operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetDIOOp
 FNet DIO operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetDIOPatternOp
 FNet DIO pattern operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetLINCfg
 FNet LIN configuration. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetLINOp
 FNet LIN operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetmDIOCfg
 FNet mDIO configuration. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetmDIOComparatorOp
 F mDIO comparator operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetmDIOOp
 CFNet mDIO operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetmDIOPatternOp
 FNet mDIO pattern operation. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetOp
 FNet Options. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetSPICfg
 FNet SPI configuration. More...
class  isys::COptionFNetSPIOp
 FNet SPI operation. More...
struct  isys::SChannelStatus
 Holds channel status when CFNetCounterCtrl::ctrl_get_status() is called. More...
struct  isys::SFNetAINInfo
 Some basic info about AIN. More...
struct  isys::SFNetDIOInfo
 Some basic DIO info. More...
struct  isys::SNodeInfo
 FNet controller. More...


namespace  isys
 Namespace isys.


enum class  isys::ECAN {
  isys::CAN , isys::CAN_FD_ISO ,
  isys::CAN_FD_BOSCH , isys::Standard ,
  isys::Extended , isys::Both ,
  isys::Request , isys::Data
 CAN setup values for Mode, ID Length and Trigger Message Type. More...
enum class  isys::EOperation { isys::SINGLE_SHOT , isys::CONTINUOUS }
 Enum for mDIO/DIO pattern operation. More...
enum class  isys::ERecord {
  isys::NONE , isys::INPUTS ,
 Enum for DIO Comparator operation. More...