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Python in winIDEA

In this topic:


Python distributed with winIDEA installation

Installation of winIDEA SDK for other instances of Python

winIDEA SDK via Python Package Index (PyPI) server (recommended)

winIDEA SDK with downloaded installers




Python and winIDEA interact in both directions:

winIDEA can edit and run Python code, and

Python programs can control winIDEA via winIDEA SDK.




winIDEA 9.12 or newer

Python 3.x, which has not yet reached the end of life

winIDEA SDK for Python



Python distributed with winIDEA installation

winIDEA installation bundle includes Python with winIDEA SDK, so no installation of winIDEA SDK is necessary if using this instance of Python. Python distributed with winIDEA installation also includes some modules not provided in standard Python distribution, for example numpy, scipy, etc.

Python interpreter (python.exe) is located in <winIDEA installation directory>/Python.



Avoid installing custom modules, as they may break scripts provided by TASKING. Furthermore, any custom modules added to this instance of Python will be overwritten when a newer winIDEA version is installed.



Installation of winIDEA SDK for other instances of Python

Two ways of the installation are possible:

winIDEA SDK via Python Package Index (PyPI) server (recommended)

winIDEA SDK with downloaded installers



winIDEA SDK via Python Package Index (PyPI) server (recommended)

winIDEA SDK for all active Python versions are available via PyPi server for winIDEA version 9.17 and newer.


To install winIDEA SDK for Python via PyPI server open command prompt and enter:

python -m pip install isystem.connect


For Linux you also have to update libraries:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test

sudo apt install libstdc++6



winIDEA SDK with downloaded installers

If you have problems accessing PyPI server for installation and web page for documentation, or will be using a PC without internet access, then you can download the SDK bundle from winIDEA SDKs Download.


Download the SDK package and unzip it. It contains Python wheel installers, which can be used in a similar way as PyPI server, for example:

python -m pip install isystem.connect-



When upgrading the module, make sure that no Python script using previous version of winIDEA SDK is running at the time of installation.



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