Connect the BlueBox and the Target via DAP/DAPE Active Probe
In this topic:
The Infineon DAP/DAPE II Active Probe is connected to the iC7max/iC5700 FNet port via the FNet cable and on the other side it connects to the Target via:
•DAP connector - DAP interface provides access to the on-chip debug and the MCDS trace module.
•DAP and DAPE connector - DAPE interface provides access only to the on-chip MCDS trace module and increases the bandwidth of the trace channel toward the debugger.
You should design the PCB with the target debug connector(s) with the Keying Shroud since incorrect connection can cause damage to the hardware. |
Connect the Active Probe's FNet cable to the BlueBox FNet port. |
Allocate the pin 1 on the Target and the ribbon cable connector. |
Pin 1 can be marked by a dot next to the connector, number 1 marker or a triangle marker imprinted into the connector plastic, etc.
Push (and remove) the connector PARALLEL to the Target. |
(optional) Repeat steps 3. and 4. with the DAPE cable. |
Power on the BlueBox. |
Power on the Target. |
When debugging is completed the hardware should be powered off in the reverse order.
By following these two simple steps, you can successfully verify communication with the BlueBox and eliminate the possibility of communication issues.
Go to Hardware | Debugger Hardware | Communication. |
Press Test. |
If the Communication Test Status displays Hardware not found , follow the Communication issues category in Knowledge Base.
•Create your first winIDEA IDE Workspace
•How to connect BlueBox Hardware - Video Tutorial
•Infineon DAP/DAPE II Active Probe - Hardware User Manual