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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.241

Viewing and analyzing recorded data

Once you have created an Analyzer recording, refer to the following chapters to learn how to interpret the output and how to export it for further inspection.



Profiler - Profiler provides timing and count information for the part of the program which has been traced. As such it is most commonly used during development, when developer suspects that timing constraints are being violated. Trace recording, together with the timing analysis can provide insight into what caused the violation.

Coverage - Code coverage is a metric that is commonly used to determine when the testing of a product is complete, as it can show which parts of the code were exercised during testing. It is often required to produce the coverage measurements when certifying a product under ISO26262, DO-178B or DO-178C standard. BlueBox tools produce coverage results based on program execution trace and therefore do not require any code instrumentation.

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