Start tracing with iSYSTEM tools

This tutorial introduces how to perform trace with iSYSTEM tools - winIDEA Analyzer together with the BlueBox technology. It focuses on the basics: how to record trace on different devices and visualize the analysis results in the Analyzer Profiler timeline.

Intro - find out how debugging with trace works,
Unit 1 - set up optimal trace configuration,
Unit 2 - perform trace analysis and view results,
Unit 3 - Profile code, data, and OS objects, and visualize them in the Profiler window.


Get to know the overall concept, different trace technologies, and filtering mechanisms.

Unit 1.1

Configure winIDEA settings and select the trace capture method.


Explore Software Tracing on ARM Cortex-M architecture using the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) via two use cases: printf() debugging using GCC/newlib and Function and Data Profiling based on the AUTOSAR application.

Unit 1.2

Configure winIDEA settings and select the operation mode: On-Chip or Aurora Trace Port.

Unit 2

Set a trigger on a specific function or data, record data and / or code with winIDEA Trace Wizard and visualize the results in the Trace window.

Unit 3

Profile code and visualize the results in the Profiler window.

Profile data and visualize the results in the Profiler window.
Profile OS objects and visualize the results in the Profiler window.
Unit 4

Record a Running Task/ISR Trace to see the Core, Task and ISR Loads in the Profiler Timeline window; calculate and analyse via Profiler Statistics window and Profiler Inspectors template with the Sliding Window approach.