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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.242


Profiled data can be exported to the MDF format. For other export options, refer to the chapter Profiler Export.


MDF files generated by winIDEA conform to the ASAM ARTI MDF standard. Regardless of whether you use an AUTOSAR operating system or not, information about several kinds of operating system objects can be exported, each corresponding to an ARTI trace class (when using a correctly configured Profiler XML file). These files can then be imported into timing analysis tools.


To create a Profiler XML, use the Trace Configuration Helper.



For Vector MICROSAR, you can follow the steps in webinar – Trace-Based Vector MICROSAR Timing Analysis 2022 Edition to create the configuration.
Please contact iSYSTEM, if you are interested in MDF4 export for other OS.




To choose which kinds of objects to export, click the Options button in the Export dialog, which opens the Export MDF Options dialog.




Each of these options corresponds to an ARTI trace class.


Export task state transitions in ARTI format

Generates an AR_CP_OS_TASK and/or AR_CP_OSARTI_TASK data group (depending on how operating system-specific task states are mapped to ARTI task states) containing information about the state of each task at any point in time. This requires a profiler XML file generated by Trace Configuration Helper.


Export ISR state transitions in ARTI format

Generates an AR_CP_OS_CAT2ISR data group containing information about when each interrupt service routine was called. This requires a profiler XML file generated by Trace Configuration Helper.


Export spinlock state transitions in ARTI format

Generates an AR_CP_OS_SPINLOCK data group containing information about when each spinlock was acquired and released. This requires a profiler XML file generated by Trace Configuration Helper.


Export runnable events (start/return) in ARTI format

Generates an AR_CP_RTE_RUNNABLE data group containing information about when each runnable object was started and when it returned. Assuming that the profiler is aware of runnable objects, this option requires no extra configuration.


Export writes to data objects as ARTI user datapoints

Generates a USER_DATAPOINT data group containing information about writes to profiler objects of level None. Those objects must be specified in the profiler XML file.

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