This chapter enables a selection of Debug channel, Trace Buffer, Use Password settings. Open Hardware | CPU Options | SoC.
Debug channel
Select debug mode according to the debug interface you use.
•DAP Standard
•DAP Wide
•DXCPL (DAP over CAN Physical Layer Converter)
DAP debug interface is recommended because it provides better performance. |
Clock - Select DAP Clock, if you use DAP Standard or DAP Wide debug interface. Typical DAP Clock is in the range between 10 to 160 MHz.
AURIX TC3xx feature DAPE trace interface, which provides access to the on-chip MCDS trace module and increases the bandwidth of the trace channel toward the debugger.
Enable this option if your application engages LBIST during runtime to allow for quicker re-attach to the SoC.
When Trace FIFO isn’t full, it is not flushed automatically. If nothing is being recorded, check this option. This option is available on iC7max/iC5700 BlueBox in conjunction with Infineon AGBT Active Probe.
Trace Buffer (TC2xx and TC3xx)
Select a region of (EMEM): TCM (Trace/Calibration Memory) or optional XTM (Extended Trace Memory)
Use all emulation memory for trace buffer
Enabled by default. In this case, all memory is used for trace.
First tile / Number of tiles
When the memory is split between the calibration and the trace, allocate, which tiles are available for the trace. The trace requires a block of consecutive tiles. Define the first tile and define number of tiles available for trace.
If the target application uses the same memory tiles, which were allocated for tracing, trace could behave unexpectedly or would not work at all.
•Upload while sampling (UWS) - Minimum of 2 EMEM tiles is required. However, it is recommended to allocate a minimum of 3 EMEM tiles for trace.
•AGBT Streaming - In this case an XTM tile is used as a FIFO within the AGBT trace data path. The AGBT uses the two XTM files as FIFO. For additional information, refer to Analyzer Overview.
Use password
Certain TriCore devices provide a 256-bit password for debugger access protection to prevent unauthorized access to the debugging resources. Use this option when debug access protection on the microcontroller is used. It is recommended that the CPU goes through the power-on-reset after programming a new password.