Start tracing with iSYSTEM tools
This tutorial introduces how to perform trace with iSYSTEM tools - winIDEA Analyzer together with the BlueBox technology. It focuses on the basics: how to record trace on different devices and visualize the analysis results in the Analyzer Profiler timeline.
Intro - find out how debugging with trace works,
Unit 1 - set up optimal trace configuration,
Unit 2 - perform trace analysis and view results,
Unit 3 - Profile code, data, and OS objects, and visualize them in the Profiler window.
6 min
Get to know the overall concept, different trace technologies, and filtering mechanisms.
Configure winIDEA settings and select the trace capture method.
Configure winIDEA settings and select the operation mode: On-Chip or Aurora Trace Port.
9 min
Set a trigger on a specific function or data, record data and / or code with winIDEA Trace Wizard and visualize the results in the Trace window.
Profile code and visualize the results in the Profiler window.
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BlueBox Documentation