Start tracing with iSYSTEM tools

This tutorial introduces how to perform trace with iSYSTEM tools - winIDEA Analyzer together with the BlueBox technology. It focuses on the basics: how to record trace on different devices and visualize the analysis results in the Analyzer Profiler timeline.

Intro - find out how debugging with trace works,
Unit 1 - set up optimal trace configuration,
Unit 2 - get to know CPU architectures trace capabilities and configure winIDEA settings,
Unit 3 - perform trace analysis and view results.

Get to know the overall concept, different trace technologies and filtering mechanisms.
Unit 1

Trace Setup

3 min

Optimize hardware configuration for the best trace recordings.
Unit 2.1

Get to know CoreSight trace architecture and On-Chip trace modules.


Configure winIDEA settings and select the trace capture method.


Explore Software Tracing on ARM Cortex-M architecture using the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM) via two use cases: printf() debugging using GCC/newlib and Function and Data Profiling based on the AUTOSAR application.

Unit 2.2

Get to know AURIX trace architecture and On-Chip and Off-Chip trace modules.


Configure winIDEA settings and select the operation mode: On-Chip or Aurora Trace Port.

Unit 3
Set a trigger on a specific function or data, record data and / or code with winIDEA Trace Wizard and visualize the results in the Trace window.
Unit 4
Profile code, data and OS objects with winIDEA Analyzer and visualize the results in the Profiler window.
Unit 5

Record a Running Task/ISR Trace to see the Core, Task and ISR Loads in the Profiler Timeline window; calculate and analyse via Profiler Statistics window and Profiler Inspectors template with the Sliding Window approach.


An overview of different hardware trace techniques and types of trace recording with a demonstration of a typical trace workflow based on two common microcontroller architectures in winIDEA.